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Photoshop Homework 2


Find 1 image that inspired you or gave you an idea for the "Somewhere" project:

I think this is a really cool photo because you can do a lot with the background of it. Whether it's changing colors or making it a whole other structure, I would definitely photoshop myself onto it.

Find 1 image you think it would be really hard to photoshop yourself in to:

This photo I especially thought it would be hard to photoshop myself into because of how complex the image is. Theres a lot of motion blur going on, lots of different colors and reflections, it would be a hard task to accomplish. 

Find 1 set of images that made you laugh:

All of his posts were very funny and creative but I laughed the most at this one 😂

Which illusion you think you might want to recreate?

This illusion is cool because some of the other ones were able to be done without software, whereas this one clearly uses photoshop. It would be very cool to work on a project like this one.
